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Bay Area Companies and Experts puts light on the Future of Energy Demands

Bay Area Solar Companies are striving to make people realize the efficiency of renewable energy. Once you learn the benefits, you will always opt for photovoltaic cells over anything for producing free electricity. People say that solar energy is the future. But what makes it so? We will put light on this fact in this post.

There are three factors that you must know to realize, why the future of energy is solar! They are:

  • The Worldwide Energy Demand

  • The Energy Sources and

  • The Solar Resource

Once you get an idea about these areas, understanding the benefits for homeowners will be easy! Later, Bay Area Solar Companies are always here to serve your demands.

The Present Worldwide Energy Demand

In the present century demands for energy have significantly increased. As more people in the developing countries are moving from a poor lifestyle to a middle class lifestyle, their demands for energy is also on the rise.

In contrary to developing countries, if we consider our country – The Mighty America, we are undergoing a post development transition. Being a developed country, people in the US are in more demand for energy.

Bigger homes, more electronic devices, more vehicles and so on. This means more energy consumption. Survey says that an average American consumes 30 times more energy than a person living in developing countries like China! So what you need to realize now is – Where is this energy coming from!

The Energy Sources – A Complete Overview

The major sources of today’s energy are fossil fuels which include:

  • Oil

  • Coal and

  • Gas

Although they are serving our needs till date, but there are some complexions with them. They are as follows.

  • Fossil Fuels are not renewable!

  • Fossil Fuels take millions of years to form!

  • Burning Fossil Fuels is damaging the environment at an alarming rate!

  • They are the reasons of greenhouse gases in the environment. It is the major reason for global warming!

While we are still using it, fossil fuels in near future will become expensive. The reasons for it are as follows.

  • With increasing global population and rise in energy demands, fossils fuels are extracted in higher amounts.

  • No doubt one day they are going to vanish. But before that, as finding fossil fuels gets challenging, there will be a high rise in price!

  • Homeowners will suffer the most and a major portion of their income will go into energy!

This means that alternative energy sources are necessary. In present we have alternatives like:

  • Solar Energy

  • Wind Energy

  • Biomass Energy

  • Hydro-Electric and

  • Geothermal Energy

Now, you might ask; when there are other alternatives as well, why opt for solar energy?

The Solar Resource – Promising Alternative Energy Source

Sun gives us light and heat. Everything around us would be impossible if there wasn’t any Sun. Reasons why sun energy is the best alternative are as follows.

  • You are never running out of solar energy in the next 5 billion years

  • The Sun is a natural nuclear reactor and it is useless to build nuclear reactors on earth for producing energy.

  • If you consider Bay Area only, it receives enough solar energy in an hour to serve your energy needs for a lifetime! Considering the amount of solar energy available on earth, it is more than our current needs and it will be so in the coming 5 billion years!

Hence Solar Energy is the best alternative energy source. All we need is some research and development to utilize this energy is a more efficient way.

How Bay Area Solar Companies and Solar Energy will help Homeowners?

Solar Energy and our Photovoltaic cells will benefit you in many ways.

  • You will have free sustainable energy.

  • You will be a part of the global community working to save the environment!

  • Your utility bills will be way too low if you are using community solar.

  • You live away from power cuts!

  • And the most important, you increase the value of your property!

Hence we call Solar Energy the Future of all energy demands. Also Solar cells are getting affordable day by day. Save the environment and save yourself and your money.

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